We’re excited by the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)’s announcement that natural infrastructure is recognized as a key solution for building resilience and raising the grade across all infrastructure sectors in the ASCE Report Card for America’s Infrastructure!
This historic addition will encourage planners and designers to consider natural infrastructure as an essential tool as they work to make their communities safer and more resilient. The ASCE Report Card also highlights natural infrastructure as an integral part of strengthening America’s stormwater infrastructure.
“The inclusion of natural infrastructure in the ASCE Report Card is a sign that it’s becoming recognized as a powerful tool for strengthening our overall infrastructure system and increasing the resilience of our country,” said Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems (IRIS) Director, Dr. Brian Bledsoe.
Every four years, the ASCE releases a report card evaluating the state of infrastructure in the United States. The report card assesses its current and future condition, maintenance needs, safety, and contribution to community resilience, among other factors. It also provides recommendations for how states and cities can improve their grade in the future.
Natural infrastructure can work together with conventional infrastructure to protect people, their livelihoods and their communities from severe weather impacts and climate change.