IRIS Affiliate Dr. Krista Capps was recently featured in UGA Today.
As the articles puts it, “Krista Capps can point to the exact moment when she became a stream ecologist.
“As an undergraduate, I majored in biology and political science, and I thought I was going to be an environmental lawyer,” she said. “And then I took a field class on world religions in India, and a river trip on the Ganges changed everything. Afterwards, I knew I wanted to work with fresh water for the rest of my life.”
Capps, who is now an assistant professor in the Odum School of Ecology with a joint appointment at the Savannah River Ecology Laboratory, found herself intrigued by the diversity of uses the river supported, from spirituality and religion to basic biological functions. She also wanted to understand how to balance all those competing needs.
“It was evident that different stakeholders were using the river in different ways, and that experience made me reflect on similar things in the U.S.,” she said. “I realized that I needed to learn more about other people’s perspectives on the environment.”
Read the full article, written by Beth Gavrilles, here.