Educating the Future Workforce
The University of Georgia’s Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems (IRIS) hosts the Natural Infrastructure Graduate Certificate and, through a collaboration with Ducks Unlimited, offers funded graduate degrees as part of the Natural Infrastructure Fellowship. Graduate students in these positions will conduct both practice-oriented and basic research on NI methods and engineering guidance, tool development, cost and economic analysis, monitoring and adaptive management, and social dimensions of climate resilient infrastructure with an emphasis on integration of natural and conventional systems.
Students will benefit from IRIS’s position as a founding partner of the Network for Engineering With Nature, which offers extensive partnerships across private and public sectors.
Learn about the Natural Infrastructure Certificate
Educating the workforce of the future
In fall 2024, the Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems (IRIS) and the UGA College of Engineering will launch the Graduate Certificate in Natural Infrastructure. The certificate aims to equip graduate students with the skills and expertise necessary to address complex infrastructure challenges with a nature-positive approach.
The Natural Infrastructure Graduate Fellowship
Want to engineer a better future for people and nature?
Join us as part of a funded Master’s degree program courtesy of a collaboration between Ducks Unlimited and the Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems.
IRIS Courses
Curious about our course offerings?
IRIS faculty members offer courses on a range of topics, from engineering natural infrastructure to the policy barriers implementers face in building nature-positive solutions.