This past week, IRIS affiliates Haley Selsor, Matt Chambers and Ben Carswell attended the State Flood Plain Managers workshop, which is part of a suite of resources tailored for floodplain management professionals around the country, offered by the Association of State Floodplain Managers.

At the workshop, Chambers gave a presentation titled, “Quantifying and monetizing natural infrastructure services with the example of levee setbacks,” which covered research conducted by himself, Dave Crane, Rod Lammers and Brian Bledsoe.
Graduate student Haley Selsor also gave a talk, titled “Evaluating and operationalizing flood risk equity.”
This workshop in particular provides a perfect venue for students to practice communicating their research to a practice-oriented audience.
“ASFPM is a great opportunity for students to gain exposure to a broad mix of academics and practitioners,” Chambers said of the workshop, “With practitioners in the audience, it is easier for us to help translate our learnings from lab to practice. It’s a special conference and one that we will hopefully continue to attend in the future.”