Hear from Dr. Brian Bledsoe at Friday’s Research Live webinar series!

Research Live is the Office of Research’s monthly webinar series, focused on topics of practical interest to the UGA research community. These virtual events provide an opportunity for faculty, students and staff to interact directly from OoR professionals. All events are free and open to anyone in the UGA community.


“Thinking Big: How to Create & Fund Successful Interdisciplinary Research Teams”

Friday, Dec. 8, 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.


  • Larry Hornak, Associate Vice President for Integrative Team Initiatives, Office of Research
  • Jake Maas, Director, Office for Proposal Enhancement, Office of Research
  • Justin Bahl, Associate Professor, colleges of Public Health and Veterinary Medicine, Institute for Bioinformatics
  • Jenay Beer, Associate Professor & Co-Director, The CARE Center, College of Public Health
  • Brian Bledsoe, UGA Athletics Association Professor & Director, Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems, College of Engineering
  • Mandy Joye, Regents’ Professor & UGA Athletics Association Professor of Marine Science, Franklin College of Arts & Sciences
  • Lisa Renzi-Hammond, Associate Professor & Co-Director, The CARE Center, College of Public Health

Interdisciplinary team science is the key to solving society’s grand challenges. Federal funding agencies increasingly are reserving their most impactful, high-dollar opportunities for interdisciplinary team proposals, and UGA has stepped up its efforts to be competitive for such awards. This edition of Research Live will explore the array of funding and training programs the university has created in recent years to help faculty identify collaborators, form and develop effective interdisciplinary teams, and create funding proposals to support the teams’ work.