UGA launches new online M.S. in Civil Engineering

Originally published here by the College of Engineering. Article by Lillian Ballance.

The University of Georgia College of Engineering, in partnership with the UGA Office of Online Learning, now offers an online Master of Science (M.S.) degree in civil and environmental engineering with an emphasis in civil engineering. The project-focused degree, referred to as the online M.S. in civil engineering, can be completed in two years, with the inaugural cohort now accepting applications until July 1, 2024.

The fully online program spans several distinctive areas within civil engineering, including structural and geotechnical engineering, project and construction management, and more. Students are offered a wealth of opportunities to hone their skills and experience real-world cases and projects facilitated by seasoned industry professionals. 

Read more in the full article here!

For more information about the online M.S. in civil engineering, including application requirements, course offerings, and more, visit the M.S. in Civil Engineering online program page.