With an interdisciplinary team that spans over ten University of Georgia Schools and colleges, IRIS projects are as diverse as the people who conduct them. Examples of our current projects are below:
The Impact of Flood Risks on Low-Income Communities
Using climate data provided by AT&T via the U.S. Department of Energy’s Argonne National Laboratory, the Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems examined how flooding in Athens, Georgia, impacts communities differently. The study found that flooding impacts low-income and minority communities to a much more severe extent than other areas of the town–Black, Hispanic and low-income communities faced a flood risk anywhere from 38% to 185% higher than the average risk.
Fighting Flooding in Coastal Communities
Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems researcher Dr. Matthew V. Bilskie, assistant professor in the College of Engineering, is working to understand how natural- and nature-based infrastructure can mitigate flooding and reduce wave energy in coastal communities.
Streamlining for Species
IRIS and partners are streamlining the consultation process involving imperiled aquatic species potentially affected by GDOT construction projects that affect freshwater ecosystems. A streamlined consultation process will ensure that species receive protections that are most important to their life stage and sensitivities.
To visit the full list of IRIS projects, click here