Industry Summit on Nature-based Solutions

Summary: The 2023 Industry Summit on Nature-based Solutions

The Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems at the University of Georgia hosted an in-person Industry Summit on Nature-based Solutions at the Georgia Center for Continuing Education in Athens, Georgia on November 7-8, 2023. The Summit brought together over 100 leaders from across fifty private sector organizations to identify the challenges and opportunities in advancing the development of nature-based solutions to support resilient communities.

Nature-based solutions (NbS), are techniques that use natural processes and ecosystem services in conjunction with traditional infrastructure to meet societal needs. Examples include marshes and dunes, which protect coastal properties from storms and erosion and techniques like levee setbacks, which reconnect river floodplains to reduce flood hazards and promote biodiversity.

Proceedings and other products to come!

We will be adding posters, summaries & proceedings, videos, and more as we consolidate notes from the meeting. Check back here for additions and join our mailing list for updates.


Thank you to all of our participants from over 50 organizations and companies!

We welcomed over 100 industry professionals from: AECOM, AIWA, American Rivers, ANAMAR, Anchor QEA, Biohabitats, Dow Chemical Company, Ducks Unlimited, Dynamic Solutions LLC, EA Engineering, Science, and Technology Inc., ECOncrete, Environmental Resources Management, ExxonMobile, Geosyntec, Great Lakes Dredge & Dock, Half Associates Inc., Hile Group, Jacobs, JF Brennan, Limnotech, Maryland Port Administration, Michael Baker International, Moffatt & Nichol, Montrose Environmental Solutions, Mott McDonald, Native Shorelines, Natrx, NW Natural, Pew, Pond, Ramboll Group, Resource Environmental Solutions, Robinson Design Engineers, SC Ports Authority, Simfero, Stantec, Surculus, Tetratech, The Coca-Cola Company, The Nature Conservancy, Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership, Walton Family Foundation, WBAE, Wildlands Engineering, Windward Environmental, and World Wildlife Fund.

We also welcomed UGA participants from the Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems, the College of Engineering, the Carl Vinson Institute of Government, the Odum School of Ecology, the Terry College of Business, Facilities Management Division, Innovation Gateway Licensing, and Business Engagement and Innovation, including many IRIS graduate students for a poster session on Day 1. Check out some of their posters here!

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Requests for additional information regarding the Summit can be directed to Todd Bridges ( and Gin Bacon Talati (

aerial view of a river near grassland
Photo by Tom Fisk on
green field under black cloud
Photo by Quang Nguyen Vinh on

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