School at the beach: IRIS graduate students flex their problem solving skills during Natural Infrastructure Field Course
IRIS graduate students flex their problem solving skills during Natural Infrastructure Field Course This past week, twelve Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems (IRIS) graduate students ditched the classroom for the beach – where they attended a natural infrastructure field course on Skidaway Island and Isle of Hope to flex their problem solving skills in the…
Ram Mohan joins Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems
ATHENS, GA– We’d like to extend a warm welcome to our new Professor of Practice at IRIS, Dr. Ram Mohan! A fellow of the American Society of Civil Engineers, Dr. Mohan will establish and lead the Sustainable Sediment Management Hub at IRIS. He joins us as a Senior Partner directing our collaborator Anchor QEA’s Nature…
First Natural Infrastructure Fellowship graduate will help engineer a better future
We’re very excited to announce that the first graduate student from the Natural Infrastructure Graduate Fellowship, Madlyn Carpenter, graduated on August 5th, 2024. The Natural Infrastructure Graduate Fellowship is a funded Master’s degree program through a collaboration between Ducks Unlimited (DU) and the Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems. Natural Infrastructure Fellowship graduates conduct both practice-oriented…