IRIS attends the first N-EWN Partner Symposium

This past week, the Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems was thrilled to participate in the first Network for Engineering With Nature Partner Symposium, which served as an opportunity for the network’s partners to come together in person. 

As a founding partner of the Network, IRIS has been part of N-EWN since 2020, when it joined with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Engineering With Nature​​® Initiative to develop a network meant to accelerate the adoption of natural infrastructure on a national scale. 

Since then, N-EWN has united partners from industry, non-profit, educational, and government sectors, hosted a successful Policy Symposium in Washington D.C., and brought together researchers from across organizations to collaborate on research and publications. 

Click here to read about the recent N-EWN Partner Symposium, click here to check out abstracts, or to delve more deeply into all things N-EWN, click here

Felix Santiago-Collazo, Brock Woodson, Gin Bacon Talati and Alec Nelson listen to a presentation.
Christine Angelini, UF, and Matt Bilskie pose for a photo during a networking hour.
Seth Wenger and Kyle McKay give a presentation.
Felix Santiago-Collazo and Luciana Iannone Tarcha pose for a photo before group field trips.
Mark Risse and Matt Bilskie pose for a photo during a networking hour.
Brian Bledsoe discusses a poster with Matthew Campbell, Natrx.
Dan Coleman and Laura Naslund chat during an icebreaker activity.
Ada Agbogu presents her poster during the poster session.