REACT4EJ launches website for supporting grassroots environmental justice movements

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The EPA Region 4 Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (TCTAC), known as REACT4EJ, has launched a website providing resources to environmental justice movements. EJ TCTACs are institutions and organizations that aim to support existing and new community projects through guidance and training on grant writing, project management, government engagement and more. 

“This new Environmental Justice Technical Assistance website has resources on how to find and reach your regional technical assistance center and find grants that are right for you,” Alysha Helmrich, one of UGA’s REACT4EJ team leaders, said in a LinkedIn announcement. “As the Region 4 EJ TCTAC, we are thrilled to share this new tool with grassroots environmental justice organizations.”

REACT4EJ consists of partners across 8 states and 6 tribal nations: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, Catawba Indian Nation, Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians, Miccosukee Tribe of Florida Indians, Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians, Poarch Band of Creek Indians, Seminole Tribe of Florida. The UGA College of Engineering serves as one of eight university partners across the region.

The UGA REACT4EJ team consists of IRIS affiliates Christina Fuller, Alysha Helmrich and Felix Santiago-Collazo. The team is collaborating with community-based organizations ECO-Action and One Hundred Miles to address environmental justice within the state of Georgia. The group hopes to collaborate with an extended network of grassroots community groups, municipalities, agencies, and others to implement sustainable, long-term environmental justice solutions. 

Check out the full site here.