IRIS introduces flagship Graduate Certificate in Natural Infrastructure

We’re very excited to announce the launch of our new Natural Infrastructure Graduate Certificate, which will help train the workforce the world needs to tackle tomorrow’s complex climate and infrastructure problems. 

The certificate, which will be available this fall through the University of Georgia’s Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems, aims to equip graduate students with the skills and expertise necessary to address complex infrastructure challenges using nature-based solutions (NbS) and Engineering With Nature® (EWN) principles.

The program consists of three required core courses that are handpicked to ensure students have a strong foundation in the principles of natural infrastructure design and the collaborative skills to work with an array of partners. These courses include Fundamentals of Natural Infrastructure and Nature-Based Solutions (ENVE 8310), Field Experiences in Natural Infrastructure (ENVE 8330) and Skills for Collaborative Research (ECOL 8550). 

As an interdisciplinary certificate, electives come from a wide array of disciplines, and challenge students to understand different perspectives and ways of thinking. Disciplines include engineering, ecology, environmental ethics, forestry, landscape architecture and social sciences.

Finally, the certificate culminates in an Internship in Natural and Hybrid Infrastructure (ENVE 8340), where students will develop skills through project-delivery teams that conduct the planning, design, implementation, operations and maintenance of natural infrastructure projects. 

IRIS designed the certificate with input from a large number of students and private sector partners.  Students spoke of their desire to add the certificate to their graduate experience to become well-rounded practitioners that are prepared to meet the rapidly growing demand for interdisciplinary expertise in nature-based solutions. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and other partners have also expressed strong support for the NI Certificate, emphasizing their workforce development needs in nature-based solutions and resilient infrastructure.
Learn more about the new certificate (including how students can add it to their studies) here.