Chair Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering
WenZhan Song is a Chair Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering in the University of Georgia. Dr. Song’s research focuses on cyber-physical systems informatics and security and their applications in energy, environment, food and health sectors. He is a pioneer of Fog Computing and the inventor of Real-time In-situ Subsurface Imaging technology. Dr. Song has an outstanding record of leading large multidisciplinary research projects on those issues with multi-million grant support from NSF, NASA, USGS, and industry, and his research was featured in MIT Technology Review, Network World, Scientific America, New Scientist, National Geographic, etc. Dr. Song is a recipient of NSF CAREER Award (2010), Outstanding Research Contribution Award (2012) at GSU, Chancellor Research Excellence Award (2010) at WSU. Dr. Song serves many premium conferences and journals as editor, chair or TPC member. He is also an inaugural member of OpenFog consortium involving industry and academic leaders. Dr. Song holds the faculty courtesy appointment in UGA computer science and statistics department.