Student project tackles coastal flooding on Sapelo Island
Originally published here by the UGA College of Engineering. Written by Hayley Clement. UGA Emergency Preparedness, Marine Institute partner with College of Engineering for hands-on learning Students in the College of Engineering collaborated with the UGA Office of Emergency Preparedness and Insurance & Claims Management (OEP/ICM) and the UGA Marine Institute (UGAMI) on Sapelo Island on…
New publication: A coupled model for understanding market dynamics in coastal property values
Congratulations to Craig Landry and colleagues for their recent publication in Nature Communications. They developed a coupled human-natural systems, agent-based model to understand the influence of tax incentives, market dynamics, and coastal management subsidies on U.S. coastal property values, finding a damped response to coastal hazards that could be ameliorated through policy changes. Such changes could hasten gentrification…
IRIS hosts a Young Scholar Program student for the summer
Meet one of our summer interns, Miller Cooper! Cooper, a rising junior at Athens Academy, joined Dr. Felix Santiago-Collazo’s Compound Inundation Team for Resilient Applications (CITRA) Lab this summer for the Young Scholars Program (YSP) at UGA. Cooper has always enjoyed learning about STEM in school, and applied for the internship as a productive way…