Making Room for the River: Matt Chambers featured on Resources Radio
Levees are built to protect communities from floods. But when they fail, it can costs lives, homes and livelihoods. That’s where natural infrastructure comes in: by setting levees away from rivers and making room for natural floodplains in unpopulated areas, levees near communities are less likely to fail. Levee setback expert Matt Chambers, who is…
On Shoreline Permitting and Voluntary Property Buyouts: two new IRIS in Focus publications, fresh off the press
IRIS in Focus is a collection of policy-focused white-papers from our research team, ranging on topics from policy barriers to the nuts and bolts of natural infrastructure implementation. This month, we’re excited to announce that we have two new editions: Overview of Living Shoreline Permitting and Regulatory Review in North Carolina, Georgia, Florida, and Mississippi…
New publication: Spatial planning to maximize levee setback co-benefits
Levee setbacks have a lot of potential co-benefits. How can we maximize them? In a new paper published this month in WIREs Water, a team including several affiliates and alumni from the Institute for Resilient Infrastructure Systems review the myriad of benefits that have been associated with an increasingly popular nature-based solution: levee setbacks. A levee is an…