Technical Assistance for Thriving Communities

Project Overview

The UGA College of Engineering serves as one of eight university partners with nonprofit research institute RTI International to establish the Environmental Justice Thriving Communities Technical Assistance Center (EJ TCTAC) to help communities across the Southeast advance environmental justice. The EPA funds 16 TCTACs across the country.

The Southeast TCTAC, known as the Resource for Assistance and Community Training in Region 4 on Environmental Justice or REACT4EJ, works to connect communities working toward sustainable goals with funding opportunities, subject matter experts, government and academic institutions, training and education resources and guidance documents. Issues the group focuses on include air, water and soil quality, exposure to environmental hazards, clean energy transitions and more.

group of people enjoying music concert

the mission

Félix Santiago-Collazo leads a community meeting and breakout sessions in Atlanta, GA in May 2024. This listening session was the first in a series of programming to assess community needs that REACT4EJ can assist.

what is a tctac?

There are 16 EPA-funded TCTACs across the country, with the Region 4 center working across the largest number of states: Georgia, Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Tennessee, Kentucky, North Carolina and South Carolina. Within this region, REACT4EJ brings together partners from major universities like UGA and Georgia Tech, as well as sustainable community initiatives and Tribal Nations. 

Each EJ TCTAC provides training and support in navigating federal grant application systems, writing grant proposals, and managing grant funding. In addition, they will provide guidance on community engagement, meeting facilitation, and translation and interpretation services for limited English-speaking participants, with a goal of removing barriers and improving accessibility for communities with environmental justice concerns.

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