Working Towards a More Resilient Qatar

Project Overview

This study proposes a comprehensive resilience management framework that aims to bring stakeholders from different critical sectors and society together to collectively work under a common objective of achieving over-arching resilience for the nation of Qatar.

The 5-year, $4.4 million project is based on the merit that achieving a deep and truly effective national resilience framework with added value for policymaking and business continuity is only achieved by accounting for the human, social, behavioral and larger societal factors impacting physical and technological assets.

Alysha Helmrich (left) and Lynn Abdouni (right) on a site visit in Doha, Qatar (June 2024).

Where we are working now

Satellite map of Qatar, via Google Maps.

The Challenge

Climate change poses an extra risk to desert regions and coastal regions- Qatar contains both.

In order to respond to climate change and create a resilience plan for the nation, researchers and stakeholders must account for a variety of challenges:

  • Sea level rise
  • Global warming
  • Increased storm variability
  • Drought frequency

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