The International Conference on Shellfish Restoration (ICSR2024) will be held at the Jekyll Island Convention Center on September 15-18, 2024.
Ahead of the conference, Georgia Sea Grant is calling for presentation abstracts on molluscan bivalves: restoration or conservation, marine or freshwater, clams or oysters– if your research has to do with any of these, you’re invited to send a presentation! Additionally, this event is not limited to academia; abstracts from community leaders, natural resource managers and conservation researchers are also welcome. Some suggested topics of interest are listed here:
- Aquaculture as a tool for restoration
- SOAR Program
- Restoring shellfish to freshwater streams
- Shellfish and carbon sequestration
- Impacts on shellfish restoration from climate change, ocean acidification
- Tools to manage ocean acidification
- New three-dimensional reef designs
- Restoration in urban waters
- Community-based restoration
- New technology for shellfish restoration
- Restoration across biomes, ecosystems, and communities
- Landscape-scale restoration and connectivity
- Trait-based restoration and functional ecology
- Ecological resilience and restoration under global climate change
- Tribal or Indigenous perspectives and practices in restoration
- Community engagement and education
- Monitoring and assessment of restoration success
- Interactions and opportunities among shellfish, seaweed, and submerged aquatic vegetation
If you would like to lead a session on one or more of these topics (or on something completely different), please contact Dr. Peter Kingsley-Smith at
More information about the conference is available here.